There are Hidden Revenue Opportunities Lurking Deep Within Your Business.

We Specialize In Finding Them For You.

Fill out this brief questionnaire. For your time, we have two immediate payouts:

  1. A quick read on key data that will give you a snapshot of how your business is doing right now, and how you can get that data.

  2. A 25 minute conversation with one of our information experts, talking about your specific data issues and next steps.

Your business needs the data and information experts of ProfitableData!

LEGO_Minifigure_skating_through_townWe can help  you increase revenues and cut expenses.

By col­lect­ing and orga­niz­ing the most impor­tant data, you will cat­a­pult your mar­ket­ing, busi­ness process, and indus­try influ­ence for­ward in ways you can scarcely imag­ine now. Here are exam­ples from real world clients.

After you’ve read some of these examples, take just a few moments to go through this questionnaire. For your time, we have two immediate payouts:

  1. A quick read on key data that will give you a snapshot of how your business is doing right now, and how you can get that data.
  2. A 25 minute conversation with one of our information experts, talking about your specific data issues and next steps.

legodiagramUse your data to waste less time and get your product out more quickly!

Even in machine shops that use C&C tech­nol­ogy, cus­tomer records, shop orders, and busi­ness processes often are still man­aged with paper and pen. While this “works”, it is inefficient. Orders are slower. Repeat orders require searching drawers of files, and days or weeks may pass until you get paid.

With one client, we automat­ed their cus­tomer list and their shop order process. The result is a mas­sive col­lec­tion of infor­ma­tion that is instantly acces­si­ble by both office staff and shop foremen.

  • Detailed mate­ri­als requests, shop order data, client spec­i­fi­ca­tions, ship­ping labels, and invoicing
  • Instant recall of past orders, with the abil­ity to “roll” that data into a new shop order
  • Mas­sive reduc­tion in paper and waste
  • Detailed spec­i­fi­ca­tions for immediate invoic­ing, reduc­ing client con­fu­sion and expe­dit­ing payment


LegoMusiciansPutting the information pieces together so the whole company moves faster and provides better service.

One client manages performing artists, booking shows, handling contracts, and handling issues.There are pre­sen­ters and venues to keep track of, each with an every-​changing cast of key staff and lead­er­ship. There are artists and their spe­cific shows, each with spe­cific needs and require­ments, fees, and pro­mo­tional infor­ma­tion. There is an end­less col­lec­tion of con­tracts, rid­ers, venue infor­ma­tion for the artists, and billing (as well as mak­ing sure both the artists and the man­age­ment firm get paid).

We developed two dif­fer­ent data­bases to track and man­age the business process, from sales to performance.

  • CRM func­tion­al­ity, track­ing key per­son­nel, pre­sent­ing orga­ni­za­tions, and venue information
  • Event man­age­ment, includ­ing artist require­ments, venue restric­tions, and travel information
  • Con­tract cre­ation and man­age­ment, includ­ing con­tract changes
  • Artist-​friendly infor­ma­tion sheets that pro­vide all rel­e­vant details for upcom­ing shows

Better Service, New Sales Opportunities, Faster Payment


Lego_Technic_Crane_TruckA commercial con­struc­tion and repair firm was drowning in paper. Sales and Service, working with the same customers, rarely knew what the other was doing, and Accounting and owners had to wait for the latest news so that they could make their decisions.

We con­structed a data man­age­ment sys­tem to track cus­tomers (mul­ti­ple types, depend­ing on the job), job loca­tions, new instal­la­tion as well as repair work, war­ranty infor­ma­tion, and invoic­ing. As the sys­tem went live and the com­pany began keep­ing and review­ing its data, new mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties began to emerge, lead­ing to increased sales and improved prof­itabil­ity.

With the information easily accessed in one place, they could specif­i­cally mar­ket to past cus­tomers based on the work they had done pre­vi­ously, man­age job costs and insure that all bill­able items were invoiced. They short­ened time from job com­ple­tion to invoic­ing from 2+ weeks to 2 days. They reduced con­fu­sion by clients and other depart­ments as all infor­ma­tion was in one place.

  • CRM func­tion­al­ity, show­ing rela­tion­ships between prop­er­ties, own­ers, prop­erty man­agers, and other contractors
  • Ser­vice Order man­age­ment, from ini­tial cus­tomer call through job com­ple­tion and invoicing
  • Instal­la­tion and war­ranty track­ing, enabling the client to appro­pri­ately bill for war­ranty work, as well as offer extended war­ranties and ser­vice as man­u­fac­turer war­ranties were due to expire
  • A nearly two week reduc­tion in invoice pro­cess­ing, result­ing in faster payment

What will ProfitableData do for you? Go to this questionnaire. For your time, we have two immediate payouts:

  1. A quick read on key data that will give you a snapshot of how your business is doing right now, and how you can get that data.

  2. A 25 minute conversation with one of our information experts, talking about your specific data issues and next steps.